My dad was born in Lyttelton Harbour where my grandfather worked by the water. We are here in Christchurch to visit with my grandparents, aunt and cousins, to introduce Ignatius, and to have a last little holiday before Josh goes back to uni next week and life gains some semblance of order again for us all. I love spending time with my family, hearing their stories and getting to know these people I share a blood connection with. Travelling with the little fellow makes this trip markedly different from our past two here, but he is sociable and his cheeky grin wins him over to many strangers and relatives. The trucks and diggers that are busy helping to stitch Christchurch back together post earthquake are a constant amusement and the craft beers (this one in particular) have been well appreciated by the two adults in this travelling party. We had a short visit to the wild west coast, back to a favourite haunt when stumbled upon 7 years ago - Rapahoe Bay Holiday Park (the cosy indoor and rainy beach photographs). We've also wandered around beautiful Christchurch which is so full of brokenness AND great hope together. I've been inspired to grow more vegies and challenge social constructs and biased political and wealth systems (and have so enjoyed our conversations, Ann). My grandfather's workshop and their bountiful garden deserve a post of their own, but suffice to say they are both amazing places to be. I love these people and this place.