Saturday, November 3, 2012

Father and son

Dad-and-Iggy-in-the-garden Josh-and-Ignatius-sleeping early-bath-time sleeping-on-dad Boys Iggy-holding-on-to-Joshwa silhouette-yellow bathtime-fun-bw Morning-cuddles My two boys. What a joy. Josh will often lie down to comfort Ignatius and get drawn into sleep as well. When I once got out of bed before them both it was such a joy to hear them wake up together and chat away - Iggy speaking in his own gurgly way. The little guy was unsure about it the first few times, but as you can see he now loves baths with dad. What a blessed lady I am. (Oh and I should mention that Josh isn't a poser at all and wouldn't really want me posting a whole lot of pictures of him if I asked his permisison. I just can't help myself taking a bajillion photos of these handsome two.)


  1. So beautiful Shazzy! You are indeed a very lucky lady. Your boys are gorgeous and little Iggy looks like the perfect combination of the two of you! I love his little green beanie- so cute! Can't wait to meet him. When are you home? xoxo

  2. So beautiful, babies and their papas makes my heart swoon! I too remember those early months when I would get out of bed and leave Reu and Alex to snuggle... now when Reu wakes he's climbing all over us, pulling our noses :) Bless you three xx

  3. They are so sweet Shaz! So big already! Ayesha (aka Audrey) here - I tagged you in a little Knowing Me Knowing You series, it would be lovely if you would like to take part.

    Much love

  4. Oh I always get mushy when I see men with babies!

  5. Thanks so much for the link to my website!! And congratulations on the delightful new addition. What a sweetheart.

  6. oh these photo melt my heart. We are just about to experience this for the 3rd time- I simply can't WAIT for that new born perfection to be in my arms.

    I also loved reading about the name and your reasons for choosing it. We have a Joseph (obviously Jesus' father) and an Olive... you know, good old stone fruit ;)

    I'm convicted by visiting your blog- your faith is inspiring. Unconsumption is inspiring/challenging.

    either way, i'm happy to have found your beautiful space and look forward to visiting it again :)

    xo em

    p.s I caution you, if you chose to visit my blog- it does have adds (but i'm an art teacher... so taht balances things out, right? art AND adss? ;))


    1. Thanks for visiting! And your ads are totally fine Em. I should probably take that button down really :)


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