Thursday, November 14, 2013

The promise of dark clouds

Stormy sky
Stormy sky
It's still officially spring here, but it has been a hot and dry one. The grass was all brown. However, this week the summer storms started. The first rain in weeks, maybe months. The grass is greening at the edges. The land and creek and plants are happier and somehow that seems to rub off on us people.

I have fond memories of sitting in my parents bedroom, fifteen or twenty years ago, in front of their enormous six foot high windows, watching a lighting show above the valley, from our mountain top home, safe and dry inside. After a hot, sticky day, a storm cools things down and the new day begins freshly, with soil drenched and plants singing. It rains A LOT in Vancouver in the winter, but it is such a different rain. Here it Brisbane, in the summer, it rains hard. Ignatius wanted to feel it for himself. 
Hard rain
Hard rain